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Combination Acupuncture/Osteopathy
In this 75 minute treatment there will be a physical assessment and osteopathy portion of the treatment time, and then acupuncture and/or laser will be utilized for the remaining portion of the treatment. This is the deepest, most effective use of our time together as it utilizes all of my training and knowledge.
Combination Acupuncture/Osteopathy
The most effective use of our treatment time together as it will provide the deepest treatment. This is simply a shorter time frame than the afore mentioned treatment.
Acupuncture consists of the insertion of tiny, single-use, stainless steel needles into acupuncture points, located all over the body, to stimulate a healing response or to stimulate your “qi” (pronounced 'chi'). This medicine has been around for over 3000 years and is useful in treating all chronic and acute ailments. Lisa has a keen interest in treating pain, digestion, menopausal and menstrual challenges, insomnia and depression/anxiety.
Manual osteopathy increases blood flow and circulation to your joints, muscles, tendons and organs which reduces subsequent swelling and pain. This allows your body to heal faster naturally. Manual osteopathy is a welcomed addition to my previous training as Traditional Chinese Practitioner /Acupuncturist and Herbalist. I’m excited to bring all of the therapeutic tools into treatment with my patients to facilitate healing on several layers.
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